Shizuka is a sister of Mutsu (also known as Crispin) and shares the same parentage. It has a much sweeter character than its sibling, and is the better choice if you prefer a sweet eating apple. However its lack of acidity makes it a bit less versatile than Mutsu in the kitchen.
The apples are quite large, and usually a pale yellow-green color, although this can often be overlaid with an extensive orange flush.
Fill in the form below and we will notify you when Shizuka apple trees are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by February you can contact us in June to pre-order for the following spring.
Both Mutsu and Shizuka are triploid varieties, so will not cross-pollinate with other apples. Like Mutsu it appears to be quite susceptible to disease, but in practice its natural vigor means it does not succumb to problems that easily and it is overall quite a reliable tree for the home orchard.
Advice on fruit tree pollination.