Pyrus communis 'Shenandoah'
Shenandoah is a Bartlett-style pear, but it ripens 3-4 weeks later than Bartlett, and the pears can be stored in cold conditions for many months.
The flavor is sweet but less one-dimensional than Bartlett, and with some acidity when newly-picked, although this falls away in storage. The fruit size is also somewhat larger than Bartlett.
The pears are yellow/green when ripe, often with an orange flush, flecked with lenticels.
Fill in the form below and we will notify you when Shenandoah pear trees are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by February you can contact us in June to pre-order for the following spring.
Shenandoah flowers in the middle of the pear bloom season, alongside Bartlett. It has some resistance to fire blight, and its natural vigor helps it to resist infection.
Advice on fruit tree pollination.
Shenandoah was developed in the 1970s in a collaboration between the US Department of Agriculture and Ohio State University. It has a complex parentage, but Bartlett is heavily present in the ancestry and this is very much a Bartlett-style pear. It was developed to be resistant to fire blight.