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Over 250 specialist fruit tree varieties for your orchard or back-yard

Golden Hornet crab apple trees

Malus x zumi 'Golden Hornet'

Golden Hornet crab apples
  • Picking season: Very late
  • Self-fertility: Self-fertile
  • Pollination group: 5 A very good pollinator for all late-flowering apple varieties.

Golden Hornet produces pink-white blossom in spring, followed by a mass of small yellow fruit which will stay on the tree until late in the year providing a useful color feature in the garden. The leaves also turn an attractive yellow color in the fall.

Golden Hornet is an excellent pollinator for most apple varieties, particularly mid and late-blooming varieties, as it produces a lot of blossom over a long period.

The fruits are useful in the kitchen, for crab-apple jelly and a source of pectin for jam-making.

Golden Hornet crab apple trees for sale

  • Semi-standard 1-year bare-root tree $39.95
    Mature height: 10ft-16ft after 10 years
    Semi-vigorous rootstock
    Out of stock
    Sorry we have sold out for this season


Thought to come from the UK in the first half of the 20th century. It is possibly a natural cross between Malus sieboldii calocarpa and Malus prunifolia coccinea.

Golden Hornet characteristics

  • Gardening skillAverage
  • Self-fertilitySelf-fertile
  • Pollination group5 - A very good pollinator for all late-flowering apple varieties.
  • Pollinating othersGood
  • Picking seasonVery late
  • UsesCulinary
  • General resistanceAverage
  • FireblightSome susceptibility
  • ScabSome susceptibility
  • Cold hardiness (USDA)Zone 4 (-34C)
  • Summer maximum temperaturesCool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)Cold (< 20C / 67F)
  • Country of originUnited Kingdom
  • Period of origin1900 - 1949
  • Fruit colorYellow