If you are looking for a completely reliable disease-resistant cooking apple, which will thrive in the north country, this is it.
Wolf River is a very large culinary apple, with a good tart flavor, dating back to the 19th century. It is best used in the kitchen, and slices will keep their shape when cooked. The flesh is quite dry - a useful quality when baking as it means the pastry is not flooded with too much liquid.
Wolf River applesauce often has an attractive pale pink color.
This is a fool-proof variety which will keep you supplied with heavyweight apples with little effort on your part.
Fill in the form below and we will notify you when Wolf River apple trees are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by February you can contact us in June to pre-order for the following spring.
Wolf River pre-dates the development of modern disease-resistant apples, but has a high resistance to scab and mildew. It is however somewhat susceptible to fireblight.
The tree is also exceptionally winter-hardy, long-lived and productive. A particular characteristic of Wolf River is that it leafs out very late in the spring.
Be sure to pick the apples before they are fully ripe, as they do not keep.
Advice on fruit tree pollination.
Wolf River was found in the Wolf River valley of Wisconsin, around 1875. It is thought to be a seedling of a Russian variety called Alexander.