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Orange Pippin Trees USA logoSpecialist fruit trees for your orchard or back-yard

Rare and unusual apple trees

These apple varieties are not widely-grown. They have unusual flavors and other qualities which only appeal to a minority, and which you don't usually find in mainstream apple varieties. However if you already have a productive orchard and are looking for something a bit different they are worth a try.

  • 1. Lady

    See also Lady

    Lady is a small ancient apple, originating from France in the 17th century and grown by Louis XIII and Louis XIV.

    The apples are very small, perhaps one inch diameter, and borne in fragrant clusters. The apples hang well on the tree and branches of Lady apples used to be used for Christmas wreaths.

    It is known in France as Api, but in English-speaking countries it has become known as Lady because it was used by ladies of that era to ward off unpleasant smells.

    The tiny apples have a sharp flavor in late fall, but become sweet by Christmas.


    Buy Lady apple trees here
  • 2. Edelborsdorfer

    See also Edelborsdorfer

    Edelborsdorfer is a very old apple variety, originating from central Europe in the 17th century, but possibly older.

    Edelborsdorfer was known in England in the 18th century, where it was popularized by Queen Charlotte, the German wife of King George III. It is possible that the popular English dessert called "Apple Charlotte" is also named after her.

    The pretty apples have a complex spicy flavor and are well worth growing.

    Buy Edelborsdorfer apple trees here
  • 3. Freiherr von Berlepsch

    See also Freiherr von Berlepsch

    This unusual heirloom apple originates from Germany in the 19th century, where it is still grown on a small scale. 

    It is not the prettiest apple, and not recommended for areas where fireblight is an issue, but it is highly regarded among connoisseurs for its unsusual aromatic pineapple flavor.

    Buy Freiherr von Berlepsch apple trees here
  • 4. Pink Pearl

    See also Pink Pearl

    Pink Pearl was developed in the 1940s by Albert Etter, a Californian fruit breeder who was fascinated by unusual and exotic varieties. He spent decades trying to perfect an edible pink-fleshed apple, starting from a red-fleshed crab-apple. Pink Pearl is perhaps the most successful of his creations.

    The apples are pretty and have a surprising pink flesh with a sweet-tart flavor. The juice is also pink.

    Pink Pearl also rivals many a crab apple for the intensity of its spring blossom - like many pink-fleshed apples the blossom is dark crimson, and borne in profusion.

    Buy Pink Pearl apple trees here
  • 5. Almata

    See also Almata

    Almata is perhaps the best example of a red-fleshed apple. Indeed everything about this apple is red - not just the skin and the flesh, but also the blossom and even the pigmentation of young shoots.

    It was developed by Niels Hansen of the South Dakotak Experimental Station in the early 20th century, using a red-fleshed crab apple called Malus niedzwetskyana from Kazakhstan,

    The flesh is deep red, with an acidic flavor, and not particularly pleasant. However the anthocyanin pigments are considered to have beneficial health properties.

    Buy Almata apple trees here